
Forum News | Miguel Sanz: 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Spain in 2023, culture and tourism exchanges become an important link 2023-02-28 This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain as well as the Year of Sino-Spain Culture and Tourism. A series of important activities will be launched one after another, which are expected to continue deepening the exchange between the two peoples.

Recently, Miguel Sanz, director of Spainish Tourism Authority, came to Guangzhou to talk about the China market relaunch plan and the cultural tourism exchange between China and Spain. He expressed his pleasure to be back in China after three years. "We value the Chinese market, because it is strategic and very important."

Miguel Sanz also said that Spainish tourism market has now recovered to 94% of its pre-epidemic level and is keen to regain the Asian market, especially China, this year. So this trip to China is an important "launching point".

On May 20th this year, tourism industry elites from Spain will attend the GITF2023 Outbound Tourism Conference. If you want to know more about Spainish tourism information, welcome to GITF, we look forward to your visit!
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